Hello, I'm Jeremy ListProduct designer turned UX designer turned product manager. Chess enthusiast. Runner. Cyclist. Cofounder of 3 amazing kids.
My Photography
A collection of some fancy pink flowers
December 4, 2013
Cabbage Drops
November 11, 2013
October 14, 2013
This was a fence that caught my eye while walking about in England.
December 31, 2013
A storm rolled in on a visit to St Paul's Cathedral in London. Managed to catch some nice light.
December 31, 2013
Rock On
October 7, 2013
November 10, 2013
At the Edge
November 10, 2013
March 16, 2016
The Kiss
October 21, 2013
The ice storm covered everything and caused a lot of trouble - beautiful to look at though.
December 31, 2013
Empty Corner
October 16, 2013
March 16, 2016
Blue Metal Door
October 8, 2013
March 16, 2016
Angelic Escape
October 8, 2013
Next Collection Wed
October 24, 2013
October 22, 2013
Room to Grow
October 19, 2013
Palm on Pink
October 14, 2013
March 16, 2016
Saw it, liked it, shot it.
October 24, 2013
November 11, 2013
Twin Towers at Night
October 17, 2013
I'm a Flower
October 24, 2013
On the Edge
October 16, 2013
Pink Baloons
October 7, 2013
On the Menu
October 22, 2013
An interesting bird house that I found at Millcreek
November 16, 2013
December 10, 2016
March 16, 2016
Our Friend Snaily
October 17, 2013
Sometimes a good shot is luck. I was shooting water so I just happened to have my settings in place. I saw this bus coming down the street, found a ledge, placed the camera and luckily I got something that I'm really hap...
October 21, 2013
December 10, 2016
Natures Mace
October 22, 2013
Inn Falls
November 11, 2013
March 16, 2016
March 16, 2016
Lilly Drops
November 10, 2013
Floral Silhouette
October 8, 2013
A beautiful little bird feeder that caught my eye in Millcreek.
November 16, 2013
March 16, 2016
March 16, 2016
Reaching Out
November 11, 2013
Two Faced
October 28, 2013
Waiting for the Storm
October 8, 2013
Trip home
September 1, 2016
October 8, 2013
I believe in sketching a lot, solving real problems otherwise it's pointless, and that less is more. Simple is beautiful
So, I was thinking...
September 28, 2015
5 UX Factors Critical to Delivering User Delight
September 26, 2015

Creating a great experience is hard work. When you consider the research, design, validation and execution, it’s no wonder most organizations struggle. Luckily, great technology companies are starting to recognize the value of UX. Apple has shown us that if you design something well, user engagement – and ultimately profitability – will soon follow. (Thank you Apple.)

Although it’s hard to nail the UX, it’s extremely rewarding when you get it right. Here are five UX factors critical to delivering user delight.

Factor #1 – Solve Real Problems...
“Help. I’m in a Nutshell”- Mike Myers
September 26, 2015
5 UX Factors Critical to Delivering User Delight
September 10, 2013
Creating a great experience is hard work. When you consider the research, design, validation and execution, it’s no wonder most organizations struggle. Luckily, great technology companies are starting to recognize the value of UX. Apple has shown us that if you design something well, user engagement – and ultimately profitability – will soon follow. (Thank you Apple.)

Although it’s hard to nail the UX, it’s extremely rewarding when you get it right. Here are five UX factors critical to delivering user delight.

Factor #1 – Solve Real Problems

To put it blu...
10 Usability Testing Pointers to Remember
July 13, 2013
I was recently coaching a colleague on usability testing and recognized that others might find these notes useful. Whether you’re just learning about user validation or want a quick refresher. I hope these points help you gain the best user feedback possible.

1. Two heads are better than one

Make sure when doing usability testing there are 2 people conducting the test. You’ll want an observer and a tester because it’s simply impossible to conduct a test and effectively take notes at the same time.

2. Do no wrong

Be sure to remind your users t...
Can You "See" Agile Working?
June 14, 2013
When it comes to messing around with your teams effectiveness, there’s no replacement for experience and common sense. Please don’t jump in head first because you’ve read an article that sounded hip and trendy or a colleague says it’s “really great”. Make sure that you’re absolutely ready to take the step from theory to practice. Take baby steps, collaborate thoroughly with your team and be smart about introducing any new concepts. Most importantly, you can’t read your way into agile. Theory is great, but as any machinist will tell you, making it “real” is an entirely different game. Make sure...
Can Technology Make Working-from-Home Work?
June 10, 2013
Since Marissa Mayer took over Yahoo, I’ve heard a lot of discussion and debate about the concept of working from home. I have a lot experience on both sides, and can confidently say that I whole heartedly agree with her decision. There’s no question that people are more effective at work, surrounded by team members. In my experience, exceptions are rare.

To paint an “ideal” picture of a working environment I have to take a page out of Steve’s book. When Apple built their campus, they specifically designed it to encourage random, unlikely conversations. Brilliant. It’s well known t...
Indigo Mobile Study - Windows Phone 8
April 4, 2013
Indigo is competing directly with Amazon.ca. Not having a mobile presence is a little bit nuts in my opinion.

To start off, I’d like to take a moment to describe the market.

US smartphone market fun facts

I realize that the US market is not the same as the Canadian market, but they’re pretty close so these statistics are relevant enough for my exploration. Generally the Canadian mobile adoption is stronger so the %’s below would be slightly higher if anything. These stats were found via comScore and a few fun info-graphics I found.

14% hav...
The Inevitable Success of the iWatch
March 26, 2013
When the iWatch comes out I’m pretty sure I’m going to buy one. I’m sure I’ll buy one if it looks anything like the image above. This a lot more than I can say about most technology that I’m introduced to.

One of the reasons I feel that I’ll purchase the iWatch is because, In a way, I’ve actually owned one before. It was an iPod Nano with a watchband, and it was a great little product. It had some flaws such as you couldn’t always see the time there was no GPS, but I liked it.

Recently I was reading an article that described the billions of dollars that Apple would ad...
The Reinvention of Chapters
March 25, 2013
A few days ago my wife said “Chapters should open up a home store”. My response was, “why, yes they should”. That said, if it were me, I’d do it differently…

The reason Lucy made the comment is because you’ll notice that Chapters (...
Why Nintendo should partner with Apple
March 21, 2013
I’m not an avid gamer, but I know my way around the different gaming consoles...
Why doesn't Facebook eat LinkedIn?
March 20, 2013
A few months ago a smart gentleman from Facebook came to speak to our Sr. Management team. It was a great talk that I very much appreciated. During this time I pointedly asked him the question “why doesn’t Facebook make a play for LinkedIn?”. His answer to me was that if Facebook does something, they do it right, and it doesn’t make sense for them today. I was honestly a little surprised by his answer. I was expecting something closer to a dodge but with his answer, it’s obvious to me that the discussions are happening at Facebook.

To break it down to the basics, the social scene...
A Better Advent Calendar
March 16, 2013
This past Christmas my wife and I were suckered into buying those $40-50 Lego advent calendars. The idea is amazing. Every day the kids get a special treat that won’t rot their teeth! Problem is that the kids got bored about half way through December. Every day was just another little toy that they won’t play with because they really weren’t that much fun. It felt a lot like those toys you get at McDonald’s in a Happy Meal. They look fun but they’re really pretty useless.

My advice to Lego is to keep kids eyes on a goal and keep them engaged. I know the themes were Star Wars and L...
“First cracks are better than no cracks”- Jeremy List (via quote-a-licious)
March 16, 2013
“At least we know that we’re as smart as smart people, who are actually making money”- Jeff Kischuk (via quote-a-licious)
March 14, 2013
Childrens Reward Program
March 9, 2013
Several years ago I started a very interesting project with a friend. He came to me with a great product idea he called “NagNot” (don’t nag me). Based on sound research we developed out the creative and logic for the initial release of the product (you can see it here if you wish http://www.behance.net/gallery/NagNot-iPhone-application/7290465). Unfortunately, life got in the way, the team got busy, more children arrived and we ended up putting the project on hold – indefinitely.

The reason I was so interested in the concept was because at the time I had one little boy. I now stil...
Universal Exercise Interface
February 27, 2013
Current exercise machines are dumb. Not that I’m complaining, I simply feel that it’s time for them to evolve.

I recently purchased a Water Rower rowing machine and I’m happily rowing every morning. My frustration with it comes from the fact that I can’t share my workout via Facebook or Twitter and I have no idea how far I’ve rowed this year, how I’m trending and how I compare to Olympians.

Because of this frustration I started thinking about a better way. My opinion is that all exercise machines should continue to have fancy displays that tell you how far you’re go...
February 21, 2013
Image Meta Data
February 21, 2013
Pinterest is a great tool. I admit, I don’t use it very much but I don’t have to use it to recognize the potential. I believe, to take tools like Pinterest and Facebook to a completely new level images need to be self aware. Imagine if that picture of a dress knows what it is. To do this it needs to know it’s SKU (Stock Keeping Unit - such as a UPC)

Once an image knows it’s SKU, we can do all sorts of wonderful things. We can figure out who makes the product and get pricing information in real time. Amazing. Better yet, I can click on that image and using some fancy utility I can...
Build vs Buy
February 21, 2013
About a year ago somebody asked me my philosophy regarding build vs buy. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about it’s the concept of building out product functionality – or integrating existing products. Generally as designers...
Professional Ratings
February 11, 2013
If I was Linked In, I’d be focused on more on people differentiation. I’m pretty certain that there are a lot of people out there who don’t really deserve recommendations who are still getting them. In my book there are two types of people; people who I’d partner with, and people who I wouldn’t. If I wouldn’t feel comfortable giving you 50% of a business where you and I have the best skills to make it succeed, then I should probably keep looking for the right person.

I was recently speaking to a smart person who told me his view on differentiation. You’ve got your 6’s and your 9’...
The iPhone Gaming Adapter
February 11, 2013
I wonder why Apple doesn’t work with somebody (maybe Belkin?!) to make a serious gaming play to knock the wind out of Nintendo and Sony. Maybe even cripple them. If my son could use my iPhone paired with some super sexy gaming add-on, why would I pay $200 for a DS (OK, maybe because of the blasted Super Mario!!!).

iPad and iPhone games are great, but any games I’ve played that require on screen thumb-sticks result in a horrible experience. I believe that if Apple is going to take gaming to the next level, they’re going to need to introduce some new hardware.
The Media Server of my Dreams
February 6, 2013
I have a media server and I generally like it. What I don’t like is how complicated and time consuming it is get the content backed up and how difficult it is for me to access my content on all of my devices. As with anything that annoys me, I’ve decided how I’d do it differently if it were my product. The following is my vision for a media server that I would happily buy. My hope is that someone with the ability to make this vision become reality will read this and get inspired…

I would like a media server with Plex pre-installed and the ability to backup to the cloud (for a reas...
The Evolution Digital Cameras
February 3, 2013
I’m an avid hobby photographer, and I’ve always been partial to Canon products. I’ve owned several Canon digital cameras and currently have 3 in my collection. My favorite of these is my EOS 400D that I bought on business in Singapore. The next DSLR I’ll buy will probably be a Canon product, but it’ll need to have WiFi built in (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). With my obvious bias toward Canon, I’ll be directing my comments toward them rather than Nikon.

The Future of DSLR’s

I recently saw a commercial where the DSLR product was being positioned in such a way that it was f...
Nike+ on my Bike
January 19, 2013
I was once a very good cyclist. Since that time I started a career and had 2 kids (with my 3rd days or hours away). Now I’m a very bad cyclist, but I still very much enjoy the sport. I recently managed to get myself out on my road bike after neglecting her for at least 2 years. She’s a very beautiful machine that’s outfitted with a very fancy computer. A fancy computer that I forget how to use it after about 4 months of neglect. Once I remember how to use it however, it’s a neat little device.

In similar news, I recently started running again. I purchased an iPod Nano to help me k...
The Future of Shopping for Clothing
June 27, 2012
Here’s an idea that I’ve had for a number of years, but as with many of my ideas, I’m realizing that I’m not going to act on them so I may as well open them up for others to critique.

I remember first starting to think about this about 10 years ago. Seriously. It’s been that long. It was about 5 BK (before kids) and I had a lot of time on my hands. The reason I remember the origins of the idea so well is because the root of the concept continues to amaze me. My wife, who is not a video game lady by any stretch started to play a little game called The Sims on her computer. I rememb...
Death to Useless Agile Lingo
April 5, 2012
Don’t be impressed with the agile lingo, it’s useless and just adds to the confusion early on. You don’t need to sound smart and drop words to impress your team. The team will have much more respect for you if you can explain what you want to do in a language they can understand. To successfully adopt the agile methodology does your team need to know what a scrum is? What about a sprint? No, but they do need to understand the concepts. Imagine introducing agile to your team like this…

“Hey team. Nice to see you again. We’re going to have a quick meeting every morning for a few min...